How a BEEs network works

How a BEEs network works

How a BEEs network works BEEs talk to each other via our sub-GigaHz radio protocol called 'BeeTalk'. BEETalk protocol (patent pending) is: secure - we use a cryptographic Hash algorithms to protect the radio packet against "Man on the middle" smart - discovers the network and choose the best path with mesh support - every node of the network can [...]


Method description End point /getMyDataChannels Description Returns the list of the user's Data channels Request method POST Bearer token Required Request RequestParam None RequestBody None Response A JSONArray representation of the user's Data channels Example Array Fields Field name Description Type sensor_id Sensor identifier Long sensor_prototype_id Sensor prototype identifier Long sensor_prototype_name Sensor prototype name String [...]


Method description End point/getBeeActuators DescriptionReturns the list of all the actuators of a BEE Request methodPOST Bearer tokenRequired Request RequestParam Field nameDescriptionType idBEE identifierLong RequestBodyNone Response A JSONArray representation of the actuators associated with a BEE Example Array Fields Field name Description Type id Actuator identifier Long label Actuator label String prototypeID Identifier of the [...]


Method description End point /getActuatorDetails Description Returns detailed informations about a specific Actuator Request method POST Bearer token Required Request RequestParam Field name Description Type id Actuator identifier Long RequestBody None Response A JSON representation of the selected Actuator Example Array Fields Field name Description Type id Actuator identifier Long label Actuator label String prototypeID [...]


Method description End point/getMyActuators DescriptionReturns the list of all the actuators of the user Request methodPOST Bearer tokenRequired Request RequestParamNone RequestBodyNone Response A JSONArray representation of the user's actuators Example Array Fields Field name Description Type id Actuator identifier Long label Actuator label String prototypeID Identifier of the actuator prototype Long prototypeName Actuator prototype name [...]