The communication between server and client is managed with rest http. When you want invoke a specific method you can use : see also In Your Application Delegate. Demo code Array You can see complete list of all REST API here.


The communication between server and client is managed with rest http. When you want invoke a specific method you can use : see also Create your Activity. Demo code Array

Creating your Activity

This is how you must implement your activity, after connection you can send command or get information from microbees system. Demo code Array With this : Array You can see complete list of all REST API here.

gateBee API

Il gateBee espone diverse API attraverso vari canali: - REST API: Con Application Programming Interface (in acronimo API, in italiano Interfaccia di Programmazione di un'Applicazione), si indica ogni insieme di procedure disponibili allo sviluppatore. Attraverso le API è possibile reperire l'elenco delle bee connesse, la configurazione locale e lo stato degli attuatori dei bee... - MQTT: [...]