by Marco Lettieri | Actuator Method detail
Method description
End point |
/getBeeActuators |
Description |
Returns the list of all the actuators of a BEE |
Request method |
Bearer token |
Required |
RequestParam |
Field name |
Description |
Type |
id |
BEE identifier |
Long |
RequestBody |
None |
A JSONArray representation of the actuators associated with a BEE |
Example |
Fields |
Field name |
Description |
Type |
id |
Actuator identifier |
Long |
label |
Actuator label |
String |
prototypeID |
Identifier of the actuator prototype |
Long |
prototypeName |
Actuator prototype name |
String |
gate_serial |
Serial number of the GateBEE connected with this actuator |
String |
bee_serial |
Serial number of the BEE connected with this actuator |
String |
value |
Status of the actuator (es. 1 ON, 0 OFF) |
Integer |
deviceID |
Identifier of the device type |
Integer |
connection_status |
Indicated the Hive connection status of the actuator |
Boolean |
beeID |
Identifier of the BEE associated with this sensor |
Long |