Getting started

These are the simple step you have to do before start coding your IOS APP: download the SDK from here framework; Create your microBees Application from Developer Dashboard; Get your App ClientID (the API_KEY); Add our SDK (and frameworks) to your Xcode Project; Configure your project in accordance with the following specifications. This SDK can [...]


Method description End point/getMyActuators DescriptionReturns the list of all the actuators of the user Request methodPOST Bearer tokenRequired Request RequestParamNone RequestBodyNone Response A JSONArray representation of the user's actuators Example Array Fields Field name Description Type id Actuator identifier Long label Actuator label String prototypeID Identifier of the actuator prototype Long prototypeName Actuator prototype name [...]


Method description End point /updateSensor Description Update properties of a sensor Request method POST Bearer token Required Request RequestParam Field name Description Type id Sensor identifier Long name Sensor label String RequestBody None Response A JSON representation of the updated Sensor


Method description End point/getBeeSensors DescriptionReturns the list of all the sensors of a BEE Request methodPOST Bearer tokenRequired Request RequestParam Field nameDescriptionType idBEE identifierLong RequestBodyNone Response A JSONArray representation of the sensors associated to a BEE Example Array Fields Field name Description Type id Sensor identifier Long label Sensor label String lastUpdate Time of the [...]