
Method description

End point /getMyEnergyData
Description Returns a JSON representation of the stored energy data of a particular sensor
Request method POST
Bearer token Required


RequestParam None
Field name Description Type
monthsBack Number of months in the past from the current date Integer
sensor_id Sensor identifier Long




A JSON representation of the stored energy data of a particular sensor
Example Array
Field name Description Type
id Data Channel identifier Long
name Data Channel name String
symbol Data Channel symbol String
tags Data Channel tags String
units Data Channel units String
sensor_id Sensor identifier Long
sensor_name Sensor name String
device_id Device identification Long
symbol Data Channel symbol String
current_day_aggr_id Identifier of the aggregator of the data belonging to the current day Long
current_hour_aggr_id Identifier of the aggregator of the data belonging to the current hour Long
current_month_aggr_id Identifier of the aggregator of the data belonging to the current month Long